

I've discovered what I've been looking for!

True poetry and nothing more,

Or less,

Than the perfect synthesis

And symbiosis

Of the two loving partners

Of words and music.

A beautiful skill if you can use it.

But it'll take some time,

So get your mind in gear.

Believe! It'll take many a year

Before the mastery

Of all agility

In the verbal range

Is near to me.


Taking tentative steps into this

Brave new world,

If Huxley knew what I've seen

He'd be without a word.

As for Soma,

It's a way to get a coma

Of a temporary state.

The poets of an ancient date

Used it,

And it was all of a

Deity's inspiration,

Divine guidance from

The realms of heaven.

Of men or Gods

We'll never know

But we may yet more
